Step by step guide helping you clean your home before the big move

When you’ve hauled the last box out of your home and into the back of the van on moving day, and all you want is an ice cold beer and a nice takeaway, we can guarantee that cleaning will not be on the front of your mind. We’ve made a guide that will condense the daunting task of cleaning your empty house from top to bottom into easy, hands on guide. You can’t really get more efficient than this.


We might as well start with the muckiest job and the family bathroom will most surely get the worst one out of the way. Hit the tub, shower, sink, toilet with all the power bleach tools you’ve got until they sparkle. Having a shiny bathroom will put a nice personal mark on the house for the newcomers to enjoy.


Whilst we’re on bathrooms we might as well stay there. With the big one out of the way, it’s time to tackle the en-suite. This needs a little more personal attention that the bigger bathroom as it’s full of tricky corners and hard to reach areas. Once you’ve systematically given everything a general clean, go over the bathroom again with a fine-toothed comb to make sure you’ve blitzed the grime from even the sneaky corners.

Downstairs WC

This is the room which so often gets overlooked when moving house. There’s nothing more infuriating than moving into a perfect house and finding that the old owner didn’t pay as much attention to the smaller bathroom as they could have done. Make sure you leave it spotless!


The worst really is over now so we can move into the kitchen, which will be so much easier to clean with nothing in it. Time to get out the cleaning agent power tools again to go through all the cupboards, work surfaces, ovens, hoods and to leave the top of the hob gleaming. The new comers are lucky you’ve got that domestic goddess streak about you. If there are any built in appliances, give them a good going over as well.


Last bit. Hire a carpet shampooer for a couple of days because it would be a nice idea to clean your carpets before you go. You can also keep it for to give a nice fresh start to your new place too just in case your former owners weren’t as on top of things as you. Once you’ve run round with a can of polish to give those windows and shelves a sleek finish you’re all done! Now go and have that beer!