Advice For Moving Between Rental Homes

Moving between properties can often be stressful, and this stress is often compounded when you have to deal with landlords, both your new landlord and the landlord in the property that you are leaving. Here, we’ve assembled a few tips to make moving between rental properties as easy as possible. Of course the best tip of all is to hire us as your Manchester removals company. That means we can handle moving all your possessions, leaving you free to take care of everything else.

Check the contract

Before you leave your rental property you should check your contract and find out what is expected of you. Some rental property contracts will stipulate that you must do certain things before you leave, such as fill in the walls where pictures are hanging, deep clean the carpets or even paint the walls. You don’t want to find out about this at the last minute, so as soon as you know you are moving, have a look at your contract.

Use a professional letting agent for your new home

Arranging your new home through a letting agent rather than directly with a landlord can cost you a little bit of money in fees, but this is usually money well spent. It entitles you to legal protections that you won’t get when dealing directly with a landlord. However you should make sure that you are dealing with a reputable agent. Find out if they are registered with a professional association like the ARLA or the Property Ombudsman. This ensures you are fully protected, and guarantees that the agent you are dealing with is reputable.

Plan ahead

Moving house is stressful at the best of times, so the last thing you want to do is rush it. Make sure to arrange your new property as soon as possible. You should ideally have your new property secured a month or so before you plan to move. This ensures that all of the necessary arrangements and paperwork will be in place before your moving date. You’ll also need plenty of time to pack, etc. While renting accommodation rather than buying it means you have a lot more flexibility, it doesn’t mean you should be completely lackadaisical when it comes to planning.

Get a camera

When moving between rental properties, one of the most important pieces of equipment you can have is a camera. This is so that you can take photographs of your old property as you leave it, and take photographs of the new one before you move in. This ensures you won’t be charged for any damage that you didn’t do, either in your old property or your new one. When you move in to your new place, take as many photos as possible, focusing on any damaged or worn areas. Make sure to file these photos away in a safe place, you might need them as proof when it comes to claiming your deposit back when you move out.